Don’t Risk It

On Feb. 7, millions of people around the world partied and tuned in to watch the Panthers take on the Broncos in the Super Bowl 50. Or should I say the Broncos take on the Panthers. One of the biggest sporting events of the year where many people drink and eat a lot. According to Mashable and Huffington Post, approximately 325.5 million gallons of beer, 1.3 billion wings, and 29 million pounds of chips were consumed this Super Bowl. With all that said, some didn’t party or tune in for the game, but for its commercials.

Budweiser usually does their ads with cute puppies and horses but that wasn’t pulling in the younger crowd like they needed to. So this year they changed up their campaign called “Simply Put.” Budweiser is standing up against drinking and driving. Their message is simply, that drinking and driving is dangerous and unacceptable.

“Simply Put” stars Helen Mirren, an English actor, who uses the title to talk about anyone who drinks and drives is a “short-sighted, utterly useless, oxygen-wasting, human form of pollution.”

This campaign has pulled in millions of people on Twitter and even other beer brands thanking them for what was said. People want to contribute to this campaign and many other famous people believe this is a great and safe way to start it.

Budweiser has partnered with Twitter and started a new hashtag called #GiveADamn. This campaign will donate $1 to safe driving programs each time it is used. You should give a damn because it could happen to you or someone you love.

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving website, every two minutes a drunk driver injures someone. Don’t let that utterly useless, human form of pollution be you or a loved one. There are different programs like Uber to get you and others home, and save lives.